

Calming Down Racing Thoughts

In ten engaging sessions with Tara and her fellow presenters, the Radical Compassion Challenge explores:

  • Self-Compassion

    Why compassion begins with the person in the mirror (we can’t give what we don’t have), and how to receive practical guidance on being kinder to yourself

  • How to Widen Our "Circles"

    Learn to extend compassion to broader and broader circles, from friends and family, to your neighbors and coworkers, to the larger communities we share

  • The Neuroscience of Compassion

    Discover the evolutionary advantages of compassion, and the ways that our natural compassion can become either blocked or enhanced

  • The RAIN of Compassion

    Experience Tara Brach’s multipurpose meditation for releasing shame and blame, finding forgiveness, returning to presence, and deepening compassia

  • Healing Through Love

    Learn about the power of “revolutionary love” to transform our world, accessing the divine feminine warrior within, and ways to keep our hearts wide open

  • Gratitude, Appreciation, and Understanding

    Teachings and practices for seeing the good in others, finding our common ground, offering support, and expressing appreciation

Are you struggling with an intensely critical inner voice?

#$%@, I messed up again.

I’m so stupid.

I’m such a loser.

What is wrong with me?

Something has to be wrong with me.

How am I going to explain this

this time around?

I’m so behind.

They already got a job, house, and family!

I will never catch up.

I’m so lazy

They are going to think I’m a failure.

I will just work harder

to prove myself.

Whatever I do is never enough.

Why am I always so sensitive?

I wish I was someone else.

Stop being so insecure.

They think I’m crazy.

No wonder no one likes me.

I hate myself. I need to fix myself.

Keep it together already!

Are you ready to silence

the harsh voice of self-judgment?

Does this sound like you?

I find it hard to be kind to myself

If something goes wrong, I automatically blame myself

I don’t deserve to do nice things for myself

I am very critical of myself when things aren’t going well

I am very critical of myself even when things are going well

When I am having a hard time, I wouldn’t even think to look after myself like I would for a friend

I focus a lot on my faults and flaws and can’t let them go

If I make a mistake, I give myself a really hard time

When I’m struggling, I don’t treat myself with much care

I have hard time accepting mistakes I’ve made or things I haven’t done well

I think over and over about things I don’t like about myself

I am not very gentle with myself when I am suffering emotionally

If I make a mistake, I feel like I should be punished

I feel like I’m the only one who struggles or fails at things

We get it. We are here to help.

There are many of us healing, growing, and owning our stories and identities. Now we choose to live life with integrity, accessing inner wisdom, and being authentic and true to ourselves. We would love to share the knowledge, tools, skills, strategies, and resources as we guide you in taking power back from what’s been holding you back.